Overdraft FAQs

  • Do I have to be a member to take out an Overdraft?
  • How much can I borrow?
  • How is interest calculated on my account?
  • How long do I have to repay my balance?
  • How do I make repayments to the account?
  • How often will I receive information on my account?
  • What security is required to take out an Overdraft?

Do I have to be a member to take out an Overdraft?

First Option is a mutual financial services organisation and as such is owned by its members, each one of whom is a shareholder. You must become a member of First Option to have an Overdraft. Learn more about becoming a member.

How much can I borrow?

The maximum amount you can borrow is dependent on your ability to meet your repayments.

How is the interest calculated on my account?

Interest is calculated daily and charged monthly.

How long do I have to repay my balance?

An Overdraft is a continuous credit contract which means as you pay it back you can redraw on it up to your agreed limit.

How do I make repayments to the account?

You can arrange to make your loan repayments either by payroll deduction, direct debit from your savings or transaction account, internet banking transfer or using Bank@Post. Learn more about these repayment methods under the Everyday Banking menu.

How often will I receive information on my account?

Most statements are issued quarterly. Duplicate statements can be requested at any time (fees apply). Account balances and statements are also available through our Internet Banking and Easy App services.

What security is required to take out an Overdraft?

Security is required for a mortgage secured overdraft only. This overdraft facility can be secured by your home or investment property.

More Information
• View our rates and fees
• Read our budgeting tips

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