Direct Debit ApplicationYou authorise First Option Bank Ltd (User ID: 048654) to allow direct debits from the account listed in section 2 to be credited to the First Option Bank account/s linked to your Member Number(s) listed in section 1 through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS). Payments to First Option Bank processed through this system are subject to a clearance period.Important Information about your PrivacyFirst Option Bank takes your privacy seriously. To see how we handle your personal information, please download and retain a copy of our Privacy Notification.1. Member Detail(s)The name(s) below must match the external bank account.Title 1Mr.Mrs.Ms.Mx.MissDr.Prof.Given Name 1 *Middle Name 1Surname 1 *Member Number 1 *Phone Number 1 *Email Address 1 *Is there another Member?NoYesTitle 2Mr.Mrs.Ms.Mx.MissDr.Prof.Given Name 2Middle Name 2Surname 2Member Number 2Phone Number 2Email Address 22. External Account to be DebitedWe require a statement of the external account, verifying all account details below.Financial Institution NameBranchBSB NumberAccount NameAccount NumberUpload Bank StatementChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded file3. Access OptionsChoose one optionI/we are already registered for Internet Banking and now require access to this external accountI/we would like to register for Internet Banking and require access to this external accountI/we do not require access to this account via Internet Banking4. Payment RequestPlease complete this section if you would like First Option to set up a regular Direct Debit payment on your behalf.First Option Account Number to be creditedAccount NameRegular Payment AmountAUDFrequencyWeeklyFortnightlyMonthlyDate CommencingDate EndingORUntil Further Notice5. Terms and Conditions Acceptance Direct Debit Request Service Agreement Account and Access Facility Conditions of Use By ticking below for this Direct Debit request you acknowledge that you have read and understood the Terms and Conditions governing the Direct Debit arrangements between you and First Option Bank Ltd as set out in the Account and Access Facility Conditions of Use document. Please ensure that the account information you have provided is correct and that this Direct Debit request includes ALL account holders of the nominated account. *Member 1 AgreementMember 2 AgreementSubmit